Gunstock mail order service

Gun Stock Refinishing offers a mail order service for repairs.

If you decide to send your stock to us, please follow the instructions below carefully.

  • Contact us about your stock and discuss what you require and get a quote from us, we may ask you to send a few photo’s via WhatsApp.
  • You must remove the action and barrel form your firearm, we only need the wooden parts. If you’re not sure how to do this seek out a competent person.
  • The metal components on shotgun forends may be left on.
  • Carefully package your stock to ensure safe transit, put plenty of padding around it, preferably inside a cardboard box. Make sure you put a return address on the package in case it can’t be delivered at our end, and once you have posted your package please contact us to let us know who the carrier is along with a tracking number so we can look out for, or trace it. This is particularly important.
  • If you are asked about the content of the package by the carrier, we recommend you describe it as wooden components or wood samples. If you mention fire arms they may refuse to handle it.
  • Post your stock to us, please use a reputable carrier.
  • Send all items to the following address: GSR. (Black double doors) Ground floor workshop, The Epstein Building, Cato Street, Easton, Bristol. BS5 6JF.
  • We will carry out the work on your stock and upon payment package and return it to you.
  • Please be aware of the following information:
  • We will not accept any liability for loss or any damage caused during transit either way. Please ensure adequate insurance with your carrier.
  • We will not accept any liability for any damage caused by you or anyone acting on your behalf whilst disassembling or reassembling your firearm.
  • Please be aware that your stock was only new once and after prolonged use it will never look as pristine again. On most working shotguns and rifles the stock and forend are essentially tool handles that will become marked and worn with use and the passage of time. Please be realistic in your expectations when you send us a stock for repairs or refinishing, although we don’t work miracles, we will nontheless endeavour to achieve the best practicable results when repairing and refinishing the woodwork on your firearm.
© 2018 GSR / email GSR

Click here for our mail order service